Welcome to Heart Play Institute

A Holistic Health Care Private Practice Specializing in Mental Health & Wellness for Women and Children

In Office and Virtual Appointments

2061 Dundee Drive - Winter Park, Florida 32792

Heart Play Institute's Services

  • Mental Health and Behavior

    Licensed Therapists and Education & Parenting Specialists offering Assessments, Play Therapy, Counseling, Social Emotional Coaching, and Consultation Appointments for Children & Parents

    Licensed Therapists Specializing in Women's Mental Health offering In Person and Virtual Therapy Appointments

  • Pregnancy, Postpartum, & Infant Care

    Licensed Therapists, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) & Registered Nurse (NICU) who Specializes in Trauma and Mental Health, an Endorsed Transdisciplinary Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health Practitioner, & Endorsed Infant Family Associates offering Consultation and Coaching Services

  • Personalized Health and Wellness

    Licensed Therapists Specializing in MindBody Work, Wellness, Nutrition, Decreasing Symptoms of a Diagnosis &/or Inflammation, Somatic Integrative Pilates, and Nervous System Regulation offering Personalized Health and Wellness Services, Integrative Somatic Pilates Instruction, Virtual Small Group Classes that Pair Integrative Pilates and Social Emotional Growth, and an Evidence-Based Music Listening Therapy that Regulates the Nervous System